Rekomanduar nga më shumë se 23,000 pacientë

Ne jemi krenarë për eksperiencën tonë të gjatë të ofrimit të shërbimeve dentare për pacientët në të gjithë Shqipërinë dhe në të gjithë botën. Cilësia e shërbimeve tona është njohur nga mijëra pacientë të kënaqur.

Mirë se vini në Grand Dental

Klinika Dentare dhe Laboratori Dentar Grand Dental: Zgjidhja e duhur për buzëqeshjen tuaj!

Shëndet dhe bukuri për dhëmbët tuaj me cilësi dhe garanci! Jeni duke kërkuar për një klinikë dentare në Tiranë që di të kombinojë cilësinë, komoditetin dhe vëmendjen ndaj nevojave të pacientit? Grand Dental është zgjidhja për ju!

E themeluar në vitin 2012 nga përvoja ndërkombëtare e dy themeluesve të saj – Dr. Dori Laçi dhe Dr. Ramiz Çelmanaj – klinika Grand Dental kujdeset çdo ditë për dhëmbët por edhe për bukurinë tuaj me një gamë të plotë shërbimesh të kualifikuara për çdo kërkesë.

Në kuadër të funksionimit të Grand Dental, falë bashkimit të dentistëve më të mirë dhe pajisjeve denare më të fundit të avancuara, Grand Dental ka gjithçka të nevojshme për të kryer të gjitha trajtimet dentare, nga diagnoza në trajtim, duke eliminuar kështu nevojën që pacienti të kalojë në struktura të tjera. Pa sorollatje, më pak shpenzime, pak kohë e humbur dhe më shumë relaksim!

shëndetin tuaj oral

Ne jemi gjithmonë të emocionuar të mirëpresim buzëqeshje të reja nëpër dyert tona. Nëse jeni duke planifikuar të rifilloni kujdesin oral ose jeni duke kërkuar për një klinikë të re dentare, ne jemi këtu për ju.

Ekipi ynë

Pacientët Tanë

Grand Dental Hospital
Based on 85 reviews
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Mauro OggionniMauro Oggionni
3 months ago
I would like to make my personal experience with Grand Dental Hospital available to all those people in Italy who feel disoriented and insecure towards so-called dental tourism. I live in Italy in the province of Bergamo and I needed a complex dental treatment plan to solve my problems, my trusted dentist had retired and I tried to get various estimates in other renowned private clinics. Despite fortunately having reasonable economic and financial possibilities, after various appointments for visits and estimates, the amount of the treatment plan was a figure of five numbers and four zeros... I would have had to spend almost all my savings and as we know for health this and anything else but I would have been left uncovered in case of unforeseen events for me or my family. I also tried to ask for quotes from two well-known franchise chains but the figure was slightly lower than the others even though they offered payments in installments. I wasn't convinced by the lack of professionalism of these chains which are all marketing and little substance. Concerned, I tried to do a search to find out which was the most renowned, organized and serious dental clinic in nearby Albania. Among the various results, Grand Dental appeared to me. Among the various clinics contacted, I was struck by the precision and seriousness in giving me explanations. Mrs. Blerta patiently followed me throughout the procedure, explaining in detail based on the overview sent on WhatsApp which therapies would be most suitable for me, specifying the costs, times and materials used (all with European certification and German origin), I was struck by the fact that in the estimates made in Italy there were treatments that were not actually necessary....After taking some time to think I decided to leaveHalf an hour from home I was at the airport, an hour and a half later I was in Tirana where Mrs. Blerta had organized with me the whole process from the boarding pass to the transfer from the airport to the accommodation which is located in a beautiful and modern apartment next to the Clinic. The area is central, a few meters away there is a shopping center and all the imaginable services, bars, restaurants, laundries, taxis, super markets, etc. the city is quiet and safe, no one dreams of annoying others at any time of the day or night unlike Italy...The preconceptions I had dissolved when I lived in Tirana for several days. The exchange rate is favorable and things are cheapSpeaking of the clinic, what can I say, modern clean and a lady in charge comes by every half hour to clean the common areas, the rooms are sanitized and the tools are sterilised, everyone has a mask, the doctors are extremely serious, meticulous and attentive, almost maniacal in demonstrating that they want do things well and last. My case was very complex and everything went well. All the staff speak Italian and are of a friendliness and helpfulness that only Albanians can reserve for us, let's say, Italian cousins. I rarely leave reviews but after two months I am super satisfied. I thank the health director Dr Laci (university professor) and all the staff because I really saved a lot of money and I don't know how I would have done it. They give you a guarantee of the work carried out, don't worry, they are not behind, we are behind... I advise you to take a look at their web pages and on social media to see who they are and how they work. Pride and seriousness never seen beforeOh I forgot in Italy I would have been involved in months with endless appointments, you can trust me and I wrote what I experienced. Thank you Grand Dental
Ramiz CelmanajRamiz Celmanaj
3 months ago
Jacopo VannoniJacopo Vannoni
3 months ago
Everything perfect!
Pam GianPam Gian
3 months ago
Grand dental, Super clinic!Very qualified staff, attentive and available to the patient's needs...I am very satisfied, I have had several treatments with them including two implants.Very professional in their work.Very kind and very friendlyA special thanks to Blerta who followed me throughout my journey.😘👏
Giuse78 PeppeGiuse78 Peppe
3 months ago
Super recommended clinic, staff as well as helpful and friendly, very professional and attentive to every need. Excellent work done, congratulations again soon.
I have had 16 beautiful crowns done . They look so natural and I can't stop smiling. The whole process was smooth. Specially, my teeth was so sensitive . The staff are amazing, extremely friendly. The whole place looks so warm and cosy. Very relaxing.Highly recommend .S Daci .
Iva KolaIva Kola
a year ago
Best service and best staff ever ✨✨✨✨✨
Ardit KabaArdit Kaba
a year ago
I am very pleased with Grand Dental Hospital! My teeth are very sensitive and i usually worry to much during dental procedures, but all went as smoothly as possible thanks to their professional staff.
Entela IsarajEntela Isaraj
a year ago
I had a great experience at Grand Dental. Their staff is very professional , customer care is amazing and communication is on point. They took care of all my concerns in a short period of time.Also prices are reasonable.I highly recommend this clinic
Altin CelmanajAltin Celmanaj
a year ago
professional staff, I was very satisfied with the service of Grand Dental, I suggest it to anyone who needs dental service, perfect communication and hospitality
Andrea MazelliuAndrea Mazelliu
a year ago
Great doctors, the best dental hospital in Tirana!

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